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How To Pay Bills While On Maternity Leave

by Cynthia
How To Pay Bills While On Maternity Leave

Having a baby is a wonderful thing and at the same time expensive. This is because you have to think about diapers, clothing items, food, and toys for the baby. Asides from this, there are other necessities that you need to cater for like house rent, water bills, and electricity bills.

As a mother, you should plan how you are going to manage all these expenses. Looking for an office job may not be an option at this time because you will need to take care of your baby.

So how will you pay your bills while on maternity leave? Well, worry not!

Here are some ways through which you can earn money to pay your bills and still have time for your baby.

There are times when the baby is asleep an

  1. Review Books Online For A Fee

There are times when the baby is asleep and you are done with all your house chores. Do you know that during this time, you can earn money online by reading a book and writing an honest review of the book? Now you know it!

There are different websites that make this possible and one of such websites is onlinebookclub.org. There are many books of different genres on this website. You can earn between $5 and $60 for reading a book and writing a review.

The best thing is that you don’t pay any fees to sign up on this site. Your very first book review will be free. After that, you can choose a book to review and get paid. Onlinebookclub.org pays reviewers via PayPal. Other websites where you can review books at a fee include Kirkus Media, Reedsy Discovery, Women’s Review of Books, and Booklist publications. If you love reading books, sign up on any of these sites that allow you to review books for a fee.

  1. Teach Your Local Language Online

During maternity leave, you can pay your bills by earning money as a language tutor. There are many people who would want to learn a new language. This might be because they intend to travel to a new country and would like to interact with the locals or they got a new job in another country or they will be studying in a foreign country. As a mom on maternity leave, you can spend your free time teaching your local language online to these people.

The advantage of tutoring online is that you can schedule your lessons when you are free. Examples of platforms where you can become a language tutor are italki and Classgap. Sign up today as a tutor and you will be surprised to see the number of people who would like to learn your local language.

  1. Become A Freelancer

Freelancing is one of the increasing trends globally. Some of the benefits of freelancing include:

  • Flexibility. You can work when you are comfortable.
  • You are your own boss. As a result, you can choose the services that you offer, your working hours, and your workload.

Many people are signing up as freelancers on various platforms like Guru, Upwork, Fiverr, and People per Hour.

There are many services that freelancers offer on these sites. Some of the services include writing, translation, transcription, web designing, and legal advice. All you need to do is to visit the freelancer websites and look at the services that can be offered by freelancers. You will definitely find a service that you can offer.

What if you feel that you are not skilled enough to offer the services that you would like to? The good thing is that there are free courses online that will help you to sharpen your skills so that you will offer the best once you start freelancing.

  1. Create An Online Course

Do you have a talent that you can teach others? It could be drawing, painting, playing a musical instrument, or even knitting. Your talent can be an opportunity for you to earn money during your maternity leave and pay your bills while doing what you love.

There are different websites that you can use to share your skills. Examples of these websites are Udemy and Skillshare. All you need to do is to create your curriculum and upload your content on the platforms. People will pay money to access your course depending on your settings.

  1. Rent Out The Extra Room In Your House

Do you have an extra room in your house? If your answer is yes, you can earn money by putting that extra room into good use. To get guests, you can sign up on platforms like Airbnb and become an Airbnb host. As a host, you will be able to set the availability of the extra room in your house so that you can get guests. You can easily pay your bills during your maternity leave by using the money paid by the guests.

  1. Start A Blog Or A Vlog

Blogging and Vlogging have become very common these days. There are different platforms where you can create your blog and monetize it like Wordpress.org or Wix.com. YouTube is a wonderful place to earn money vlogging. Are you confused about the content that you would post on your blog? Well, you can discuss your experience as a mother. Many mothers like you would appreciate reading your experiences as a mother.


Due to the advancement in technology, there are new ways through which you can earn during your maternity leave from the comfort of your home. All the points listed above are convenient because you can do them as a part-time job. As a result, you will have ample time for your baby and still earn enough to pay your bills.

These are not ways that will make you rich quickly. You will need to be patient because it may take some time before you start earning money using the methods listed above.

Therefore, as a mother, you need to save some money before your maternity leave. This will prevent you from getting overwhelmed with the bills that you need to take care of. It is also necessary for you to have a budget so that you can note down all your expenses and plan how you will pay your bills.

Photo by Sarah Chai



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